Active at Work
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Active at Work

Enhance your professional success and build your career. Improve your vitality at work with health-oriented strategies and regular movement. As a company, invest in corporate health management, address the needs of the Silver Society, and leverage these for your success.

Average Duration
5 weeks
Completion Rate

Modules in This Course

Each module is carefully designed by our team of nutrition experts and scientists.


Achieve Career Success with Health: A Practical Guide

  • How vitality and well-being enhance leadership skills and open career paths
  • Strategies for a healthy work-life balance that boost productivity and job satisfaction
  • Techniques to improve mental fitness and resilience for success in demanding professional situations
  • The career advantage of prioritizing health and how companies value healthy employees
  • Effective stress management strategies and their positive impact on career success

Energize Your Workspace: Movement at Work

  • How regular movement boosts mental clarity, creativity, and productivity
  • Quick and effective desk exercises to relieve tension and increase energy
  • Tips for creating an ergonomic and movement-friendly workspace
  • Strategies for incorporating short movement breaks into the workday
  • Benefits and implementation of standing desks and finding a balance between sitting and standing

Corporate Health Management – Invest in Your Employees' Future

  • Learn about the latest trends and challenges in corporate health management
  • Establish and implement a strategic health management system tailored to your organization's needs
  • Optimize workplace design and ergonomics to reduce physical strain and boost productivity
  • Incorporate movement, sports, and healthy nutrition into the workday to enhance employee well-being
  • Foster mental health and reduce stress through supportive work environments and effective communication

Silver Society and the Opportunity for Businesses

  • Understand the growing importance of the Silver Society and its impact on the economy
  • Recognize the specific needs and preferences of the 50+ demographic
  • Discover innovative products, services, and marketing strategies targeting the Silver Society
  • Insights into the future development of the Silver Society and its economic impact
  • Develop effective marketing and communication strategies to engage the Silver Society

Move Smart - Activate Your Movement Potential

  • Effective weight loss through exercise, exploring cardio and strength training balance, metabolism role, and HIIT for beginners
  • Gender-specific training approaches, tailoring workout plans to the biological and physiological differences between men and women
  • Positive effects of regular physical activity on mental health, stress reduction, mood improvement, and importance of recovery methods like yoga and stretching
  • Adaptive fitness, customizing training programs for individuals with physical limitations or chronic conditions
  • Outdoor workouts and connecting with nature, benefits for body and mind and tips for incorporating nature into your fitness routine
The «Active at Work» course and all its modules are part of the Inlife Masterclass.
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